Herbal medicine has evolved into not only a mere folk remedy, but also drugs prescribed by the doctor. Currently not few people who make use of herbal medicine as a complementary medicine.
Based on the research data base of Health Ministry of health 2010, 59,12 per cent of Indonesia are consuming herbal remedies. Communities assess the herbal remedies are safer than conventional drugs.
However, herbal remedies are not necessarily 100 percent safe. In addition, if taken along with other medications, herbal remedies can cause adverse drug interactions. Therefore any herbal remedy drinkers need to know the different kinds of drug interactions.
Doctor Arijanto Jonosewojo herbal medicine experts say, sometimes in order to increase the effectiveness of drug consumers drink conventional medicine and complementary all at once. But the action was thus counterproductive as they cause adverse drug interactions.
"For example, the drugs Statins for lowering cholesterol may not be taken concurrently with the herbal remedies that also work at," he said in a press conference the SOHO Symposium Global Health Natural Wellness in Jakarta, Saturday (5/4/2014) ago.
Conversely, if taken in a different time, he said, both will be mutually beneficial. Therefore, we recommend that the Statins drugs drunk at night, and herbal medicine in the morning.
In addition, there are still many other drug interactions. Exemplified by Arijanto, medicinal herbs with raw ginseng to boost stamina should not be taken concurrently with drugs for heart disease. This is because both of them can trigger arrhythmias or rhythm of the heartbeat irregularity.
Interaction also apply to herbs or herbs in the shape of the region. For example garlic should not be consumed until two weeks before undergoing dental extractions. The reason garlic has penyukaran effect on blood clotting, so can trigger bleeding after tooth extractions.
There is also a star fruit juice should not be taken simultaneously with kidney drugs consumption. The reason, the interaction of the two can cause a substance is toxic to the body.
Because of the many drug interactions, Arijanto asserts, doctors conduct interviews in advance disease history on patients before prescribing herbal remedies. "It is important to prescribe drugs on an individual basis, because of the use of herbal remedies can be different effect on every person," said the head of complementary Alternative Clinic RSU Dr. Sutomo was.
news source: kompas
image source : google image