Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Leaves Recipe for Slimming Naturally

Slim is the desire of every person, what if have mutually slimming method, but not being visible results? try this recipes passed down through generations and used by the royal princess. More natural, healthy, and safe to drink.
  1. Guazuma Ulmifolia Leaf
  2. Slimming herbal usually known in Indonesia contains elements of this leaf. According to some experts, the leaf contains alkaloids, resins, and tanning substances. Side of the Guazuma Ulmifolia Leaf identity is widely used to reduce the formation of fat, thin, and streamline the body. Recipe: Take two pieces of leaf buds, wash and cut into small pieces. Then boil with some water 3 cups of water. After cold, the water is filtered and then taken 2-3 times a day. So delicious to drink it, added with some sugar to taste.
  3. Indonesian Bay-Leaf
  4. Not only for cooking, Indonesian Bay-Leaf contains flavonoids and tannins that can be used to cure a variety of diseases, including high cholesterol, high uric acid, diabetes, high blood pressure, heartburn, and diarrhea.
    Recipe: 5 or 7 pieces of fresh Indonesian Bay-Leaf. After being washed clean, cook with enough water to boil. Then filtered, after cold, drink it before lunch and dinner.
  5. Green Tea
  6. Green tea leaves are used as a beverage and has been known as a fat burner in traditional healing. Green tea contains antioxidants that are so high it can be burn fat in the body. Recipe: makers of green tea with hot water, let cool, and drink it. Should be taken before eating food. Green tea may help restrain the consumption of fat. Or, you can drink it before exercise, this way to burn fat quickly under the skin.
  7. Murraya Paniculata Leaf
  8. Useful as a drug to deal with the problem of irregular menstruation. In addition, the leaves are useful to handle problems of excess fat.
    Recipe: take a handful of Murraya Paniculata leaves added a handful of leaves of Morinda citrifolia (morido citrifolia) and 1/2 pinkie temugiring (curcuma heyneano).All ingredients until finely ground, add one cup of water, then squeezed and drunk it in the morning before breakfast.

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