Thursday, January 31, 2013

Herbal Recipes for Treating Your Child's Fever

Child fever usually makes parents panic. because the child becomes fussy, not wanting to eat and difficult to sleep. If you have a situation like that, try to calm down, assist and monitor the  changes of child's body temperature.

The fever is not a disease, but not significantly, fever can be ignored. Therefore, you should know the limit of normal fever, and which ones need to obtain medical help immediately. This is following herbs to help deal fever in children:

Recipe 1
Ingredients: onion, vegetable oil, eucalyptus oil, lemon juice.
How to make: 2-3 peeled onions, wash and grate. Take 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil, 1/2 tablespoon of eucalyptus oil, grab a slice of lemon juice. All ingredients are combined.
Rules of Use: rub it into the armpits, back and abdomen. For high fever, rub it into the head, body folds, and the body parts that feel hot to the touch.

Onion (Allium Cepa L) have flavonglikosida that acting as anti-inflammatory, bacteria killer, lower the heat, warms, relieves wind expenses of the stomach, and avoid blood clots.

Recipes 2
Ingredients: Calabash
How to make: grated Calabash and take water.
Rules of use: Drinks 3 times 1 day each 1/2 cup.

Calabash (Lagenaria siceraria) contain calcium, iron and C vitamin.

Recipes 3
Ingredients: coconut water, honey
How to make: a glass of coconut water and 1 tablespoon of honey mixed.
Rules of use: drink 2 times 1 day, each 1/2 cups for children under 5 years.

Green coconut (cocos nucifera l) contains glucose, saccharose, fructose, sucrose, minerals, and amino acids. chemical substances in the form of the enzyme can break down toxins.

The fever is a guide that your child isn't in good condition. On the other hand, the fever also is evidence that the body's defense mechanism is not working properly making protection. So, you don't need to be panic.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Curcuma in Turmeric Useful for The Treatment of Diabetes

Aside from being a kitchen spice, turmeric turns potentially powerful to prevent diabetes due to the active compound in turmeric, the curcuma. Previous curcuma are also known to effectively kill cancer cells and as an antimicrobial.

curcuma able to fight inflammation and oxidative reactions that damage cells. Both processes are known to exist in a variety of diseases, including type two diabetes. In the study for 9 months, unknown people who take a single dose of curcumin extract supplements every day can avoid diabetes.

The study, published in the journal Diabetes Care, involved 240 people suffering Thailand prediabetes, a condition in which their blood sugar levels than normal, but not including diabetes. If not dealt with prediabetes could be diabetes.

The respondents in this study were randomly given placebo capsules or capsules and turmeric that has no active ingredient.

After 9 months, about 19 of the 116 people in the placebo group suffered from type two diabetes. While the group that received none curcuma diabetes.

Because the study was conducted in a short period of time, then the diabetes experts states can not conclude whether turmeric extract for consumption every day. Although the consumption of turmeric extract in supplement form has not been recommended, but we can still get the benefits of turmeric over saffron spiced dishes.

Leaves Recipe for Slimming Naturally

Slim is the desire of every person, what if have mutually slimming method, but not being visible results? try this recipes passed down through generations and used by the royal princess. More natural, healthy, and safe to drink.
  1. Guazuma Ulmifolia Leaf
  2. Slimming herbal usually known in Indonesia contains elements of this leaf. According to some experts, the leaf contains alkaloids, resins, and tanning substances. Side of the Guazuma Ulmifolia Leaf identity is widely used to reduce the formation of fat, thin, and streamline the body. Recipe: Take two pieces of leaf buds, wash and cut into small pieces. Then boil with some water 3 cups of water. After cold, the water is filtered and then taken 2-3 times a day. So delicious to drink it, added with some sugar to taste.
  3. Indonesian Bay-Leaf
  4. Not only for cooking, Indonesian Bay-Leaf contains flavonoids and tannins that can be used to cure a variety of diseases, including high cholesterol, high uric acid, diabetes, high blood pressure, heartburn, and diarrhea.
    Recipe: 5 or 7 pieces of fresh Indonesian Bay-Leaf. After being washed clean, cook with enough water to boil. Then filtered, after cold, drink it before lunch and dinner.
  5. Green Tea
  6. Green tea leaves are used as a beverage and has been known as a fat burner in traditional healing. Green tea contains antioxidants that are so high it can be burn fat in the body. Recipe: makers of green tea with hot water, let cool, and drink it. Should be taken before eating food. Green tea may help restrain the consumption of fat. Or, you can drink it before exercise, this way to burn fat quickly under the skin.
  7. Murraya Paniculata Leaf
  8. Useful as a drug to deal with the problem of irregular menstruation. In addition, the leaves are useful to handle problems of excess fat.
    Recipe: take a handful of Murraya Paniculata leaves added a handful of leaves of Morinda citrifolia (morido citrifolia) and 1/2 pinkie temugiring (curcuma heyneano).All ingredients until finely ground, add one cup of water, then squeezed and drunk it in the morning before breakfast.

Monday, January 28, 2013

The Crown of God for Menstrual Pain

Using the active ingredient derived Crown of God (Phaleria macrocarpa), PT Dexa Medica product launches anti painful menstruation for women Vitafem Free Me , which is claimed to relieve menstrual pain by 65 percent.

Through the research process with biomolecular technologies supported by Tandem Chemistry Bioassy Expression System (TCEBS), according to Raymond Tjandrawinata PhD, research director Dexa Medica, Crown of God chosen because it meets the target efficacy and fewest side effects.

"In principle there are several medicinal plants TCEBS the candidates, but we found the crown of God's most suited. Nevertheless we use are derived from extracts fifth crown of the gods," he said at the launch Vitafem Free Me in Jakarta, Wednesday (18/5 / 2011) yesterday.

He explained that the complaint of pain when my period is basically caused due to an increase in estrogen and inflammatory expression of COX-2 that causes a variety of pain complaints.
DLBS1442 bioactive fractions derived from the crown of the gods, works by blocking the action of estrogen and decrease the expression of COX-2.

"The increase in the hormone estrogen would make unstable mood, so women who were PMS irritability. Meanwhile, the increase in the hormone prostaglandin causes uterine pain bibs. Both these hormones were inhibited DLBS1442 work with," he said. Results of research conducted during the 6 months to 30 women who always suffer from menstrual pain complaint shows, Vitafem Free Me is able to reduce the symptoms of PMS.
"In addition to improving mood, suffered a variety of pain was reduced to 65 percent," said Raymond.

The results of the extract of the gods crown against menstrual pain has been published in the journal General Medical. "We can be proud because the drug is done by Indonesian scientists, using native plants and ground water produced local companies," he said.

8 Herbs Useful for Treating Diabetes

Diabetes is a disease that risk causing complications in other organs, like cardiovascular disease, kidney failure and nerve damage. For better and healthy life, we need to keep the body and try to protect the blood sugar level to avoid this disease.

Not only the medical treatment, natural herbs since ancient times has been used to cure diabetes. Scientific research has confirmed the effectiveness of some of the specific plants that are able to handle diabetes. Below are some of the herbs that have been known help to cure diabetes.
  1. Aloe Vera
  2. Aloe vera is often known as a 'herb healer'. Dried aloe vera sap and gel (the side in the leaf) is traditionally used to treat diabetes, because the content can help to lower glucose content in the blood and HbA1c.
  3. Asian Ginseng
  4. Asian ginseng is commonly used in traditional Chinese medicine to cure diabetes. This plant has the ability to lower the sugar, add the release of insulin from the pancreas and increase the number of insulin receptors.
  5. Mango Leaves
  6. Mango leaves is known as an efficient drug for treating diabetes. To use it, simply soak mango leaves in a cup of water overnight. After that, drain the leaves and then drink the water. This method can help to alleviate the signs of diabetes.
  7. Basil
  8. Studies have shown that basil has a positive effect on glucose after meals and when we are fasting. This herb can facilitate insulin secretion systems.
  9. Garlic
  10. Garlic is known as the best herb to lower blood sugar and was able to fix some of pancreatic cells and can stimulate the pancreas to produce insulin. This has been proven in various studies, but many people do not know the benefits of it.
  11. Onions
  12. Onions significantly can lower blood sugar. Extract onions reduces blood sugar during oral glucose tolerance and intravenous. Onions alter metabolism and increase hepatic glucose insulin release, thus avoiding damage to insulin.
  13. Cinnamon
  14. This plant makes a few fat cells insulin easier to open and convert glucose into energy. Besides that it is also capable to blocking the risk of developing a dangerous free radicals.
  15. Fenugreek
  16. Fenugreek is a kind of grain crops are widely grown in Asia and is often used by residents of India as food seasonings. This plant has the ability to control blood glucose content, and has been widely used to treat diabetes.
    Fenugreek can lower insulin resistance and control blood glucose content by increasing the number of insulin receptors in red blood cells. This can increase the use of glucose in peripheral tissues to reduce the glucose content in the blood. However, fenugreek can not be consumed by pregnant or lactating women.

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Lemongrass The Healthy Kitchen Seasonings

Lemongrass is a plant member of the tribe of grasses commonly used as spices or herbs to scent food mosquito repellent. But did you know that behind the fragrant smell, the plant's Latin name Andropogon nardus also have a variety of medical and health benefits?

Research shows, lemongrass leaves contains anti-microbial and anti-bacterial. The content is particularly useful in treating infections of the stomach, intestines, urinary tract and wounds. Lemongrass is also known efficacious as a diuretic, and antirheumatic reliever seizures.

Some people believe that citronella can help cure various diseases such as typhoid, skin infections, food poisoning and body odor. In addition, the content of analgesic compounds in citronella oil may help relieve the pain of headaches, joint pain and muscle pain.

Not only that, lemongrass has anti-pyretic properties that are useful in lowering the heat. Therefore, lemongrass was provided for people who are experiencing a fever.

In the book Efficacious Herbal Indonesia stated that contains essential oils of lemongrass leaves consisting of citric, citronellol, a-pinene, kamfen, sabinen, mirsen, felandren beta, p-Simen, limonene, cis-osimen, terpinol, citronellal, borneol, terpinen - 4-ol, a-terpineol, geraniol, farnesol, metilheptenon, n-desialdehida, dipenten, methyl heptanenon, bornilasetat, geranilformat, terpinil astet, sitronil acetate, geranil acetate, beta-elements, beta-kariofilen, beta-bergamoten, trans-metilsoeugenol, beta-kadinen, elemol, and kariofilen oxide. Other compounds are geranial, geranil butyrate, lomonen, eugenol and metileugenol.

One simple recipe is to use lemongrass boil to help overcome the symptoms of cough. A total of 5 grams of lemongrass roots washed and boiled with 1 cup of water for 15 minutes. Then the lemongrass drink boiled water twice a day each 1/2 cup in the morning and afternoon.

Saturday, January 26, 2013

9 Benefits of Lime for Healing Disease

Lime (Citrus aurantifolia) has been known for long as the plant is rich in benefits. The fruit taste bitter, sour and a little chilly, but the benefits are very diverse. lime juice can be used as flavoring dishes, beverages, refreshments, from which citric acid, as well as cleaning rust on metal and dirty skin. Also as a mixture of herbs.

As a natural herb, lime efficacious to remove the blockage of vital energy, cough, laxative sputum (mucolytics), laxative urine (diuretic) and sweat, and help the digestive process.

Lime contains oil limonene and linalool, as well as flavonoids, as poncirin, hesperidine, rhoifolin and naringin. The content of the ripe fruit is synephrine and N-methyltyramine, other than citric acid, calcium, phosphorus, iron and vitamins A, B1, and C. Citric acid is able to prevent postoperative recurrence in patients with kidney stones.

Hj. Sarah Kriswanti, herbalist who lives in Bandung, and Dr. Setiawan Dalimartha (Traditional Medicine and Acupuncture Association of Indonesia), gives tips on how to make use of lime as herbs that help cure the disease.

1. Cough with Influenza
Cut a ripe lime and contains enough water, then squeeze. Pour boiling water juice with 60 cc of hot water. Add 1/2 teaspoon of whiting water while stirring. Drink this mixture two times a day 2 tablespoons.

2. Fever or Flu
Briefly baked lime, cut and squeezed, add 1 tablespoon of honey. Drink at once.

3. Laryngitis
Cut 3 pieces of ripe lime, then squeeze. Pour boiling water with juice 1/2 cup hot water, add 1 tablespoon of honey, stirring evenly. While warm, use this mixture to rinse for 2-3 minutes. Do it 3 times a day.

4. Body slimming
Add the juice of a lime into a cup of green tea water. Drink this mixture every morning and evening. Do it every day.

5. Pimple
Sliced lime and then rubbed on the skin.

6. Irregular Menstruation
3 tablespoons of lime juice plus 1 tablespoon honey and 2 cups hot water mix evenly. Drink while warm. Do it 3 times a day.

7. Adding Stamina
Combine an egg yolk, juice of 1 lime and a few slices of brown sugar. Stir until smooth, then drink. Do it once a week.

8. After Giving Birth
One tablespoon whiting plus 2 tablespoons of eucalyptus oil and 2 pieces of lime juice, stirring until smooth, and apply to the abdomen. Do it every day for 3 months after bathing, to avoid stomach wrinkles, smooth and flat as before.

9. High Blood Pressure
Provide 20 flowers and 30 leaves of lemon. Wash thoroughly, then add the juice of 2 lime juice. Boil these ingredients in 3 cups water until remaining 2 1/4 cups. Once cool, strain. Filter drinking water 3 times a day 3/4 cup. Drink this mixture plus a little honey. Do it every day. produced local companies," he said.

Friday, January 25, 2013

Health Benefits of Reeds for Treatment

Reed grass is a kind of crisp leafy, often considered weeds in agriculture. The Latin name of this reed is Imperata cylindrica, and placed in the child's interest panicoideae. This plant can reproduce quickly, with seeds that spread quickly fly with the wind, or the rhizomes can penetrate through loose soil. Contrary to common assumptions, the weeds are not happy to grow in poor soil, arid or rocky. The grass is like the land that quite fertile, sunny lot until slightly shady, damp or dry situations. In the muddy soils or submerged, or that is always shaded, reeds and will not grow. Weeds is a place where the jungle soon mastered the broken and open ex-fields, rice fields so dry, the edge of the path and so on. In places like that weeds grow dominant and cover large areas.

Natural reed spreads starting from India to east asia, south east asia, Micronesia and Australia. Current reeds were also found in northern Asia, Europe, Africa, America and in most of the islands. But due to the invasive character, in many areas the weeds are often thought of as a very troublesome weed. Despite the apparently mistaken for grass weeds can be used as a natural remedy for various diseases.

According to dr. Dalimartha Setiawan in the books of traditional herbs to cure hepatitis, in some European countries and America reeds have been made into a patent medicine.

The study said about this plant, reed contains mannitol, glucose, sakharosa, malic acid, citric acid, coixol, arundoin, cylindrin, fernenol, simiarenol, anemonin, grit acid, resin, and alkali metals. seen from the contents, the reed-shaped antipyretic (lower heat), a diuretic (urine shed), hemostatic (stop bleeding), as well as get rid of thirst.

Traditional Chinese Healing said, reeds have a sweet character and cool. healing effects of plant enters the lung meridian, stomach, and small intestine. With characters that launched diuretic urine, reeds useful for treating acute renal inflammatory diseases.

Character diuretic that owned by this plants can remove body fluids are not helpful and useful for controlling high blood pressure inclines. Character hemostatic that owned by this plants can stop the bleeding also can be used to treat nosebleeds and bleeding inside.

These herbs can infiltrate into the body lungs, stomach, and small intestine. Therefore, the best weed herb is not given to those who benefit weak stomach and frequent urination.

Side of the reed plants that can be used as a traditional medicine that is a rhizome, either fresh or already dried. Reed material can be found at chinnesse drug stores. There is now an instant beverage weeds are beneficial to get rid of heartburn. This instant beverage can be found in herbal shops or chinnesse drug stores.

Step to use it, take a bunch or roll roots of the weeds. wash and boil in three cups of water until the remaining one cup. Mix the juice of one lime fruit with three tablespoons of water weeds. Use as needed. Add sweetener if the herb is for children.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Benefits of Ginger as a Natural Health Therapy

Ginger commonly used as a spice seasoning complement. However ginger is also very trend among the population to be used as a beverage body warmers. Since the spicy taste of ginger is very effective to make the body so warm. Besides the typical spicy flavor makes a delicious taste sensation on the tongue. Usually ginger consumed as cold relievers as well as a potent herbal remedy to address some health nuisance disease. Thus the trend of ginger in the age group of the population, causing some producers of food and beverage products to make a product that taste like ginger well.

The scientific name of ginger is  Zingiber officinale, is a rhizome plant that is very commonly used as a spice and medicinal materials. Rhizomes form a bulging fingers segments being. spicy taste of ginger because of compounds called ketones zingeron. Ginger countless tribes Zingiberaceae (meet-ings). The scientific name of William Roxburgh, ginger obtained from the greek word zingiberi, from Sanskrit Idioms, singaberi.

Ginger is thought to come from india. But some believe that ginger came from southern china people's republic. Of India, taken as ginger spice trade to Southeast Asia, China, Japan, to the east being. So in the days of colonialism, ginger can give a sense of warm and spicy food soon become a popular commodity in Europe.

Because ginger can only survive in a tropical place, planting can be done only at the equator are like Southeast Asia, Brazil, and Africa. Currently Ecuador and Brazil is also the world's largest supplier of ginger.

Morphological features of the stem ginger is ginger pseudo-stem height of 30 to 100 cm. Its roots form rhizomes with root flesh is yellow to reddish with a strong scent. Pinnate leaves with a length of 15 to 23 mm and a length of 8 to 15 mm. Petiole pubescent.

Ginger flower growing out of the ground in ovoid form with a length of 3, 5 to 5 cm and a width of 1, 5 to 1, 75 cm. Scaly peduncle number 5 to 7 pieces. yellowish green flowers. Lip flowers and purple anthers. Pistil stalk numbered two.

Ginger, especially those harvested at a young age still do not last long in storage. Therefore required in order to continue processing immediately suitable for consumption. To obtain a good quality ginger, ginger is harvested at a young age is not too old nor too. Fresh ginger not only marketed in the form of processed ginger, also marketed in the form of fresh ginger, that after harvest, ginger cleaned and sold to the market.

Dr. jaishree Bhattacharjee, ayurvedic consultant in satvikshop. com, said that ginger has many benefits that can be developed more real good. Ginger is a very popular herb used in healing due to have many benefits like digestion problems or respiratory organs.

According to him, ginger can relieve bloating due stimultan have character and expectorant. Ginger also has beneficial minerals like calcium, phosphorus, iron, magnesium, copper, zinc, and vitamins

If you have a problem of motion sickness, ginger can also be used as an alternative medicine. Explained, ginger can regulate digestive enzymes as well as increase the assimilation of nutrients to the body tissue which can reduce the effects of nausea.

Besides, ginger also acts as therapy while reducing joint pain and inflammation in patients with arthritis patients because of the character as well as anti-inflammatory analgesics. Dried ginger has analgesic and anti-inflammatory character used as therapy joint pain and inflammation of arthritis.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Want to be Healthy and Always Fit, Try Herbs

In terms of herbs, Indonesia is the world's largest laboratory medicinal plants, approximately 80% of the herbs in the world  grown in Indonesia. The ancestors of the previous use of natural flora and make Indonesia herbal concoctions of medicinal plants. The evidence can be seen through the use of herbs heritage events in palm leaves notes to the temple reliefs. Herbal medicine comes from the ancient Javanese Idioms spell or Usodo, which means treatment using herbs, prayer and spell.

For residents of Indonesia, herbal or traditional medicine has been part of the effort to protect the health and freshness. Not just ordinary people, some government officials who have the habit of taking a lot of medicine. One of they is the jakarta governor Joko Widodo. When he returned to solo, the first thing he did when he got in his home in the city of Surakarta, he immediately drink herbal. "In addition to sleep as well as the rest of my drink made of herbs by my wife, herbs ginger and honey", said the man who was familiarly called Jokowi.

According to data from basic medical research, 2010, approximately 59.12% of people use herbal remedies Indonesia. of that number, 95.6% of people who used to drink herbal claiming the benefit of it. Traditional medicine is known to prevent and cure various kinds of diseases, like coronary heart disease, stroke, prostate, arthritis, anti-cholesterol, diabetes, osteoporosis, malaria, diarrhea, and hypertension.

Even so, according Abidinsyah Siregar, Director of Health Service Building Traditional, Alternative and Complementary Health Ministry) discernment is needed when utilizing traditional medicine. Each culture has a different step in the processing of raw materials although it's the same herb. Because it takes wisdom not standardized when utilizing herbal medicine, he said.

Despite from huge potential, not many herbal medicines industry to examine preclinical testing and clinical trials. Abidinsyah say : "this time we only have 38 types of standardized herbal and 6 fitofarmaka". Medicinal product anti-cold, Antangin developed by deltomed, is one among the products that already passed the preclinical and expressed as standardized herbal medicine. dr. abrijanto (Business Development Manager Deltomed Company) say, "Antangin've tested to understand the impact of toxicity in the use of short periods and long periods". In the subchronic toxicity testing there is no known toxic effects on organs in mice. In addition, taking anti-cold syrups can also be proved to raise physical fitness, said abrijanto.

Even though it had long been used by the public, but is still remain marginalized in traditional medicine health services in Indonesia. Compared with china, india, or Korean, the healing herb side by side with modern healing, herbal healing in this country still considered as an alternative healing.

Professor of Pharmaceutical Science Faculty University of Indonesia, Maksum Radji, explains, traditional medicine approach is indeed not the same as medical drugs. If accomplished the standardization of herbal drug development fits with scientific advice, it can be used in modern healing.

This means it took through various parts fit with scientific principles, starting from preclinical testing and clinical trials, says Prof. Maksum. Efforts to integrate traditional healing within the health service actually already declared by Former Health Minister Endang Sedyangingsih through scientific programs on herbal medicine. Based on the info Abidinsyah, this time already, there are 40 government hospitals and 219 health centers that provide traditional health services, alternative, and complementary integrated.

Integration of traditional healing within integrated health systems, according to Prof. Maksum, will accelerate the use of herbal medicines and safe fit. Because, it takes some strategic measures supported by the government, for example, for the type of integrated herbal clinic, where in the service more than one health worker who works provide service to patients.

Manufacturers also need to be encouraged to raise the status of their products become standardized herbal medicine or fitofarmaka to ensure product safety. Therefore the research profile of herbal medicine in Indonesia need to start upgraded from biomedical research to clinical research. This subject is indeed a good challenge for researchers herbal medicine or herbal medicine manufacturers, clinical trial system because it needs substantial investment costs, he said.

In the future, Indonesia need bold traditional medicine research began to be more safe and not exploited and even patented preceded by other nations.